Une conversation avec Eloga Arsène

Dans le 6e numéro du magazine trilingue PoeticAfrica, Elizabeth Akunyili s’assoit un instant avec Eloga Arsène pour parler de sa vie et de son métier. Veuillez profiter de la conversation [...]


She Lives – Joy Oladipupo, Nigeria

She rose early each day With her thoughts filled With the unknown tomorrow And her belly big With babies yet unborn She lives her dreams Trail, set the path For generations yet unborn. She rose [...]


Tembi – Tandi Anyona (Kenya)

When their eyes meet generations a century apart conversations that ensue are pure wonder. The languages they speak are different yet they seem to understand each other almost perfectly. Their [...]


The Heart – Pepita Mwanga (Tanzania)

Trapped inside a rib cage, Lies a heart pumping blood to the entire population, Cells, red, black, and white awaiting the supply, Working through the night and the twilight, A sick day would be a [...]

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