In Creative Corner, poetry

A nonchalant exterior
A resigned expression,
Pursed, unmoving lips
Hands in pockets, bored
Proud, arrogant gait,
But behind the dark-tinted glasses
Lay eyes furiously moving, taking in the sights;
The colours, gray clouds under a blue sky
The people, a couple laughing hand-in-hand, a child sleeping in a stroller,
The fauna, an owlet learning to fly, ants in file to their hill
The flora, a flower blooming, leaves leaving their branches.
Neurons firing excitedly, absorbing all the information, new and old,
Despite having experienced them before.
An excitement that has never left,
An inner childish fascination and naiveté I hope never leaves.



Ayesiga Alvin Aryabaha


Ayesiga Alvin Aryabaha is a student at Makerere University studying Law. He has served on writing committees and has had some of his poems published. He is passionate about intellectual property law and environmental law, incredibly curious, and has a very open mind for new ideas and perspectives.





This Poem was published in the June 2024 edition of the WSA magazine. Please click here to download.

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Ageless Wonder – A Poem by Alvin Ayesiga – Uganda

Time to read: 1 min