In Creative Corner, poetry

Flipping through the delicate pages of my tender years
I wonder where I truly belong in those enchanting days,
For me, like a kid from a distant memory
Through war-torn lands, my child-like spirit roams free,
Where innocence once bloomed in endless streams
I navigate debris with hopes and dreams.

I am a refugee child embracing chaos and light
In my heart, echoes of laughter take flight,
Seeking solace amidst despair’s harsh glare
Longing for a glimpse of childhood’s soft care.

I observe as other children frolic and play
Yearning to join in, to find my own way,
Bearing burdens heavy, feeling out of place
Yearning to reclaim my former grace.

Yet within the depth of my soul, a flicker remains
A spark of joy that sorrow can’t chain,
Guiding me back to a time so divine
Before darkness marred this innocence of mine.

I clutch memories close, like petals in a breeze
Hoping to heal, to find my inner peace,
To rediscover the child I left behind
And let my inner light brightly shine.


This Poem was published in the June 2024 edition of the WSA magazine. Please click here to download.

Read – Ageless Wonder – A Poem by Alvin Ayesiga – Uganda

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