Vultures in doves
Some, in Tarshish groves were hashed
Looking for means to make their purses swell
Leaving the common people in pains, with the men in guns
As they daily plead with them to let the men with pens in
To lead them with the Decalogue.
The men with pens came into the town in Lincoln’s attires
As soon as the gunmen agreed to rest in peace
“It is all about the people”
In Lincoln’s voice they had told the people
Promising to make the city look like a woodland where only doves dwell
Where cassowary and vultures will never be allowed to dwell
Never did the people know they were chameleons in doves
The people casted their dices and the men in pen were let in
Soon before noon doves became chameleons
“Some doves are more equal than others”
Like a voice in Orwell’s satire became their abstract slogan
Never did the people know they were vultures
Devouring the people’s meat became their acts
Letting sorrow, tears, and blood rain in the town
Never to mind if the town and her people lie in ruins.
This poem was published in the January 2022 Edition of the WSA Magazine.
Read – Label of a Murky Past – A Poem by Paul Abok, Kenya