Reaching out my tainted hands Empty of purity Discord, my identity Eclipsed by the world and ‘of the World’, Mundane… my priority. Prints of destruction Taking a toll on my soul In all of this, [...]
Aching bones and fading goals Fainting knees and weeping lips Forms, overburdened by affliction’s kiss And we laid still, like a silent wind. Then, In all honor and humility notwithstanding His [...]
The world, comes to us in the form of a balloon, we, go to it dressed like cacti, and wail, about the noise it makes when it bursts upon us, We long to be redeemed. “Touch me. Hold me,” we say to [...]
“Redemption is the pathway that is trailed by perpetual light. -Thompson Emate Freedom from the night Walking towards the light Darkness seeks for the escaped souls It’s like running on [...]
I spent my life in a haze, a suspended animation With every breath taking me farther from the surface And every sigh pulling me deeper into the void. I never had grand ambitions, nor did I [...]
In the stillness of the night, Shadows dance, unseen by light. Battles rage, a silent plight, Consuming hearts, a hidden blight. Emotions swirl, a tempestuous sea, Thoughts surge, a cacophony. [...]
I came out with the Truth To the Truth and All hands picked up stones, I come out to the Truth With the Truth and Everybody riots, Easier if you knew Who the enemy was! It’s sad… Flesh of My [...]
We are caged, In the privilege we call home A neat place, peaceful, Overlooking suffering. They are caged In the violence they call home At the hands of our privilege They suffer so we benefit. [...]
So what if I pray? Will He hear me when I call? What would I even say? Will he pick me up if I fall? Sometimes I rue the day I claimed to be having a ball Clueless of the price to pay Climbing a [...]
Broken triads ring out Into the quiet night, Soft words fall deaf dry tears fight Vacant emotions! Nothing is risked So nothing is lost In silent scuffles! But oooh! The cost Oh god! The cost. [...]