As writers, we all have our own style of writing. There are four main types of writing styles: narrative, expository, persuasive and descriptive and sometimes you can even mix these in one piece [...]
Plot development refers to the main events of a story, play or any similar work and how the writer presents them in relation to one another so that they follow an exciting sequence. The plot [...]
All human beings have five bodily senses; sense of smell, sight, hearing, taste and touch. But besides these, we have another sense, and no, it’s not common sense, this one is called a sense of [...]
Flash fiction is a growing genre of short stories, which aims at telling an entire story with a limited word count, mostly under 1000 words. It is also called; very short story, micro-fiction or [...]
Expressive writing is the form of writing that tells a writer’s personal feelings about a subject. When you describe something as a writer, the five senses ( of smell, sound, taste, sight [...]
According to Abdul Waheed Khan, in his paper presented in a UNESCO and World Summit on the Information Society, “Local content is an expression and communication of a community’s [...]
Everyone has a story. As a matter of fact, a story can be made out of anything and everything. However, what makes a story entertaining is the art put in place when writing or telling such story. [...]