In Creative Corner, poetry

In the vast expanse of time and space,
We wander aimlessly seeking so(u)lace.
Purpose eludes us, a mystery unseen,
Lost in the chaos, where do we lean?

Like ships adrift on a boundless sea,
We search for meaning, but where can it be?
The stars above—indifferent and cold,
Mock our struggles as our stories remain untold.

We are mere shadows, fleeting and frail,
Pursuing dreams that constantly fail.
Time slips through our trembling hands,
As we desperately try to grasp the shifting sands.

Our tender hearts cry out for a reason to be,
But life is a puzzle, a harsh decree.
In the emptiness of our existence,
We yearn for significance and persistence.

But alas, it remains a distant dream,
A fleeting whisper, a silent scream.
Life… is a cruel and ruth-less jest,
Leaving us with nothing but unrest.

So, we roam this world…lost and alone,
Seeking a divine assignment—a duty to call our own.
But in the end, we are left to confess,
That life… is truly meaning-less, all meaning-less.




Akuei Maliet Adol is a South Sudanese poet who has lived as a refugee in Kenya for over twenty years. In addition to his inspiring pursuits, Adol is a talented writer and mentor who uses his wisdom to empower others. He often writes about health, peace, love, and the plight of refugees, and his literary works are featured at PanLuel Wel Media Limited and Writers Space Africa (WSA) Magazine.



This Poem was published in the July 2024 edition of the WSA magazine. Please click here to download.

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Life is Meaningless – A Poem by Akuei M. Adol – South Sudan

Time to read: 1 min
Nadia J. Van Rensburg - Poetry