I remember my firsts: my first friend, my first enemy, my first loss.
We were at Kokrobite; Efe, Mama, Dada and I. The sun had made itself comfortable above us casting an uncomfortable heat; heat that could only be soothed by the cool of water.
Efe and I trudged along the lone path, the chatter of our voices I believed could be heard from far.
With each step, the beach house which held our parents seemed to draw back and we were at the beach.
We splashed about tossing our beach ball between ourselves.
Then it came, red hot anger.
Efe had stolen my first love.
Back to the present with an expectant Efe waiting for me to make my throw.
I tossed with renewed vigor from my memory field trip.
I took in the vastness of the ocean and wondered why on earth Efe was so close.
Upon receiving the ball, the wave came rushing through.
Efe was too perfect to be real
“Kuks focus!”
I did..
I tossed the ball as far as I could, completely missing her.
Fueled with adrenaline, she swam after the ball, except swimming was not her forte.
I would like to correct myself.
I remember my first riddance.
Read – Finding my Faith – A Flash Fiction by Nkiruka Daria Ojukwu, Nigeria