Will everything burn
including our memories of the past?
How do you forget the night?
when there’s darkness in your eyes?
Shall we not repeat the past
once it is still rooted in our mind?
According to the Bible – the Christian manual,
It says;
there will come a time
Where this world will be ashes
And a new world/place
will be given to the “believed” breathers.
Yes, not all of us but the “believed”
And this time,
It’s not the garden of Eden,
It’s not this present universe
but a place
we won’t be cursed and cast out.
A place where death won’t be present.
A place called paradise.
Will it be the last place we will reside?
or will there be another plot twist?
Read – Take me to Eden – A Poem by Solomon Ayomide, Nigeria
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