When life sails to the brink of a fearful fall,
The journey, so long, you dread it all.
Kindred! the tears, the times of blistering pains.
When all left are relics of grief like grains
Know you not it calls—the need for friendship.
When life sails you in her ship ashore hardship,
Of love, of care to assuage the burdens borne
Kindred! friendship fights fears till fears are won!
A bond of brotherhood breathes in friendship
Its breeze of bliss breeds strong fellowship.
Kindred! a union sailed on waters of love.
With ties and purity snow– clad like a dove
A union; union built on love and affection-
Dares to sail dreary days down ashore oblivion,
Of love, of care to assuage loneliness borne,
Friendship fights the forlorn feelings till all are won!
She sails; life sails—now in two ships.
She moves; life moves—competing like warships
Friendship kindles the fire of good will.
Beyond a bond in practice with a fearful trill!
Of love, of care to assuage the burdens borne.
Kindred! friendship fights fears till fears are won!
Some sails assail to mar companionship
Read – There are No Rainclouds Among Crooks – Zikhali Z Mbonisi, Zimbabwe
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