In Creative Corner, poetry

Before the sun rises
He’s always awake,
A dispossessed village boy
With nothing but just a vision,
To improve surrounding conditions.

Daily seeking access
To things he doesn’t possess,
Piercing the mundane
To find the marvellous,
Finding rays of right,
Amidst darkness.

With the rising sun
He’s working on concerns,
Not waiting for the day to end
With the same poverty trend.

As the sun sets west
He turns out the best,
Like a seed that germinates
Amidst harsh conditions,
He dominates
Amidst lack of provisions,
Subduing in the morning dew.


This Poem was published in the July 2024 edition of the WSA magazine. Please click here to download.

Read – I Want to Live – A Poem by Toluwani Oke – Nigeria


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