Last night, I went to paradise; O joy! O peace! Serenity absorbed me; By the youthful brook, And a meadow undefiled. My mind wandered off To collect a basket of citrus; Yellow like the falling [...]
Laden, cumbered, Lowered, eaten, Bad’d turned worse, Life’s, staggered; wanéd Wounded, beaten Vigour, counts less All’d died, but breath That I have it all Heart, then broken, wearied, Faith, [...]
Writing poetry can be intimidating, especially if you aim to write great poetry. After reading it, a good poem is something you might remember, but a great poem can make you feel the emotions it [...]
Interview by Elizabeth Akunyili (Nigeria) and Sandra Nadege (Kenya) Funminiyi, I find you very inspiring as a creative person. From your poetry anthology ‘Si(gh)lent Night’ to [...]
Sur les vagues silencieuses, j’écoute sonner mes douleurs. Sourd le silence, Sourd le bruit. Le vent ne dit rien qui vaille Où est le chemin? La foule roule à vide Ajoutons la douleur de la [...]
I had to hit the waves And leave the shore Sleeping in the caves And, I met Mi Amore The tours in the desert The walks in the sea Even as a revert The colour was on me Buildings, as I arrived Is [...]
Were we to be settled and storying, of a strong warrior king cloaking from the coast of gold The centre of the earth so bold I would tell the gallery, girling Oh from the coast, sons and nieces [...]
In the margins and edges of our struggles Neither homewards sail nor harbour rescued us In the twilights and shadows of our resilience Neither fading lights nor the gathering gloom— Hound our [...]
All of the world’s happiness used to be in the palm of my hand, When I used to live in Ghana, my beloved homeland. I was always very happy, For there was no reason to worry. O Ghana my beloved [...]
Tales of a far-off land, South of the Sahara, eminent as forerunners of African independence; Yet a people ever free; predating antiquity. Bosom of the Sonnike clans of Mande, The Great Wagadu [...]