Is a waterfall with brunette, dread locked clouds? And rainbow irises At Chavakali, I say. Scalding When the smokie vendor asks, how hot your pepper? He doesn’t believe it. He doesn’t know That [...]
Welcome to the July edition of Creative Spotlight, an interview column featured monthly in the Writers Space Africa (WSA) Magazine. In this Edition, I had a chat with a delightful lady all the [...]
Dans le 6e numéro du magazine trilingue PoeticAfrica, Elizabeth Akunyili s’assoit un instant avec Eloga Arsène pour parler de sa vie et de son métier. Veuillez profiter de la conversation [...]
When their eyes meet generations a century apart conversations that ensue are pure wonder. The languages they speak are different yet they seem to understand each other almost perfectly. Their [...]
This is about a special woman An endless fairy tale Yet, she cannot be shrunk in a paper She is a vast nest that holds its hatchlings. Our encounter was a great one I knew it was her, I felt her [...]
In a splash of the ocean and beauty of the beach In a secret of the sand and thoughts of the sea You are like this pebble, just in my reach A great treasure, a royal gem! Noisy gongs have [...]
Trapped in the same four cornered walls with my random thoughts of villains, I know little of, I peer through the shades wondering if there was a knock on my door, a nosy neighbor maybe wanting [...]
Nine months, preciously carried in your womb So resplendent as a rose you abloom Your care helps me groom My idol, I cherish you For your selflessness I survive Famished, only for me to be alive [...]
I teeter towards the blinding light Tissue and muscle tear and cleave To usher me out, From this nursery within An alien in foreign land I shriek Letting through gusts of bloody air To pierce my [...]
One bright morning, the pupils in grade one were modelling. As they made different items, teacher Jane, the deputy headteacher walked into the classroom. The pupils stood. Teacher Jane greeted, [...]