Une conversation avec Eloga Arsène

Dans le 6e numéro du magazine trilingue PoeticAfrica, Elizabeth Akunyili s’assoit un instant avec Eloga Arsène pour parler de sa vie et de son métier. Veuillez profiter de la conversation [...]


Tembi – Tandi Anyona (Kenya)

When their eyes meet generations a century apart conversations that ensue are pure wonder. The languages they speak are different yet they seem to understand each other almost perfectly. Their [...]


Elizabeth – Kalekye Mish (Kenya)

This is about a special woman An endless fairy tale Yet, she cannot be shrunk in a paper She is a vast nest that holds its hatchlings. Our encounter was a great one I knew it was her, I felt her [...]


Black Opal – Vivian Jerop (Kenya)

In a splash of the ocean and beauty of the beach In a secret of the sand and thoughts of the sea You are like this pebble, just in my reach A great treasure, a royal gem! Noisy gongs have [...]

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