This interview is By Nyasili Atetwe — Who is Scholastica Moraa? Do you have a pen name? I am a mother. A poet with three titles. A short story writer. A lover of all things, [...]
Kando yangu nakumbuka, lako joto feni kwangu, Yangu nafsi rukaruka, kwani ulikuwa wangu, Siku zote mimi nawe, tuliyapanga malengo Na sasa bila ya wewe, umenifika mtengo. Nahaha nataabika, wa [...]
Karima msi mfano, Unijaliye hapano Naandika shairino, Kwa kalamu yenye wino Linumbia msifano, Shangazi Bi Majivuno Wema ni mji wa kheri, Na utu uso na mwisho Zamani mwezi wa tano, Linambia lako [...]
“Adulthood na scam” — Ladé. Again, I walk down this path of nunu milk and fresh ofios. I miss those days when life was nothing but a swarm of fireflies and brown grasshoppers. We used to be [...]
…for dad… I had that same dream again. Not the one where the owls whisper caution to the baobab tree or where the shrew tells the rat of the melody darkness makes of threat. It’s the dream where [...]
In a world where kindness can be rare, like making a scarf from one strand of fur, a simple act of goodness beyond compare brings comfort to someone near. A smile, a favour, a listening ear! The [...]
Cut me open, And you’ll find bookshelves, holding stories written over years, known by the ear, unheard of the mind. The love section has two books, each a story, but I only cling to the first [...]
Every creak of the door and stamp on the floor raises my eyebrows and opens my windows. If I had one last wish and my heart one more beat, you’d be the air I’d wish and be the cause of the beat. [...]
Six rays woke us Seven a bite smiled on our tongues Eight, we dropped towels And nine, we mend ties. Ten, we buckled our belts And clicked our cards Eleven, we held tight on straws Earphones [...]