In Creative Corner, Creative Nonfiction

Within the realm of our ancient city in Nkanu, my tribe – Obinagu-uwani – holds the faculty of sight in great regard. In the communities in Akpugo, we stood as custodians of a deep gift, capable of comprehending the imagination of people and discerning the unseen. Underneath our gaze lies the boundless potential to untangle the intricate maze of human thought, effortlessly discerning the unspoken desires and secret intentions that dance inside the minds of men. In our eyes, the future of people lies naked before us, like pages of an ancient manuscript waiting to be interpreted, and with a simple, quick look, we identify the roads they will follow, their feats of achievement, their miseries and the strands of their past, present, and future. We can discern the thoughts of men, dictate the fate of conflicts, predict the destiny of people, and foresee the fate of individuals with mere cursory looks. Among the distant and nearby communities around us, this outstanding ability endowed us with an unparalleled edge, making us the guardians of our domain.

From a young age, we were taught to perceive the world as it truly is by looking far beyond what lies deep within us. With hindsight, we were told that future promises are only recognized by those who see the reality of things beyond what can be seen. So, in order to reach that point where we grasp the reality of events far from the perception of our visual eyes, we honed our sight by competing in observing events until we could discern the difference between two small grains of cumin and mustard seed from a distance or distinguish between identical twins. This we practiced daily until our sight was refined to perceive the very minute details of things.

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Through the depths of our sight, we explore the complex web of possibilities, catching glimpses of the whirling currents of fate that ripple through the lives of people. Even in times of immense difficulty and chaotic circumstances, our vision always sought to fathom the riddles that lie ahead. Our forecasts resonate across the city, influencing choices, encouraging optimism, and establishing a sense of purpose. It is this exceptional sight that sets us apart, raising us to the respected position of unique masters among our neighboring town.

However, as time passed, a significant alteration emerged inside our world, altering it right before our own eyes. This transition brought about vast changes, touching numerous elements of human life, and we witnessed its impact upon science, art, literature, human survival, adaptation and even upon the belief systems of people. The repercussions of this change did not only affect our sight and the fundamental fabric of the world around us, it also presented us with opportunities for a change in the way we interpret things. But, due to our belief that our eyesight is too sharp, we became caught up in the assumption that the world we saw is all there is, thereby failing to explore further. However, despite our cautious inspection, we encountered unforeseen occurrences that escaped our foresight and were eluded by the alterations in the world. Like a gust of wind, we were tossed to and fro by the shifting doctrines, wandering in our utopian farsightedness until the very people whose future we once predicted made a fool of us. In the blink of an eye, our tribe fell apart. At that moment, we realized that we had all been blinded by our farsightedness and our judgment towards others.

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As our sight waned, an unusual hunger stirred within us that we couldn’t entirely fathom. This hunger unveiled a mystery, a truth yet untold, and we realized that our eyesight was just a myopic snapshot of our partial reality. We also noticed that the mirror of the world was fashioned by our viewpoint. We discovered that the scene unfolding in front of us was suddenly impacted by something that changed the way we experienced it. It was a shock to us; however, we were still not sure where this change came from and what to do with it.

As confusion revolved around us, a moment of clarity emerged within me. As I meditated upon it, I gained a fresh perspective on our sight. I saw glimpses of things that others would only see in their dreams by peering into vast spaces without aim or concentration. I realized that the more I tried to focus on the things I wanted to see, the more access I gained to the world’s secrets before they appeared. I evolved into an observer of vast regions, gazing at wide landscapes as if entering another world. The more I stared and saw with intense concentration, the deeper tranquility I experienced—a haven of pure happiness—in those timeless moments.

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In that moment of complete realisation, I discovered that this is the nirvana, the vision that our spirits had long sought—a place where ease and simplicity are woven together without judgment. Although I can’t fully understand the depth of this vision, its mere glimpse has offered me access to many beautiful and enigmatic revelations that my tribe’s farsightedness could not have comprehended. It has also taught me that sometimes our visions are blurred by our judgment and that the course of events remains mysterious until they are about to come to fruition. These unsettling revelations have left an indelible imprint on my path, transcending ordinary physical sight and connecting with the depths of my innermost being. It has illuminated proof that true vision goes beyond the constraints of the eyes, including the realms of intuition, empathy, and interconnectivity.


This Creative Nonfiction was published in the August 2023 edition of the WSA magazine.
Please click here to download the Magazine.


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The Illusion of Absolute Sight – A Creative Nonfiction by Jamie Isaacoed Buchi, Nigeria

Time to read: 4 min
Joshua Neequaye Robertson