Evidence of a passage
Threatened as a girl age
Never to be attributed to the faceless
Lest its essence becomes baseless
As the ripples of the sea is felt
And the rain drizzle as droplet
So does her child’s first cry tingle her ears
And with the first step, comes loud cheers
With time comes a steadier stride
Then life begins like a rollercoaster ride
Reality dawns as each print is put into account
No one knows how much the sacrifices amount
A beautiful and honourable print is only expected
Alas! It calls for her to be devoted
And being resolute, she presses on
Others waiting to plant their feet upon
The young who see the strides thinks and speaks
How easy! It must have been seamless!
But prices of drops of sweats, blood and tears
Never drowning or giving in to fears
For out of her, lives were made
She gave her life that her young will live in aid
Oh Mother! The price you’ve paid!
Read – Guardian of Gaza – A Poem by Akuei M. Adol, South Sudan