The lion king has thrown a feast!
Come all! Relax your fist!
This is the night. This is the dark night!
The night void of silence; silence in dried pains.
The night of clinching deals.
The night when pens are brandished like swords,
To chop our destinies in ounce drops.
This is the night of clinking glasses,
A fun catching night
Where laughter is snore to ants inside iron walls,
Ants with forlorn looks.
The lion king has done it again.
His feast has pulled dogs, panthers, tortoises
To drink and eat on the same table,
His feast has made them sing and
dance their own folk songs,
I can see them drunk;
They’re like mad men staring blankly at
glasses filled to the brim with Ciroc,
They clutched on to one another skipping like antelopes,
The clunk of their bodies crashing into each other
is music to the lion’s ears.
The lion king perched on his marble seat,
nodding his head like a lizard.
His eyes dissect the hall for a prey,
The prey who shall have the honour to lay
on his table for dinner.
This is the lion’s feast.
It’s a faucet. Be careful not to fall!
This Poem was published in the July 2018 edition of the WSA magazine. Please click here to download.
Read – Karma is Coming – A Poem by Mukonya Mukonya, Kenya
Dear Writers Space Foundation,
Thank you for this honour. I’m grateful.
You are welcome.
Beautifully pened. Poem speaks to me in political languages
Thanks a lot for your compliment, Tanni. I really appreciate your kind words.